Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Enjoying Life

There's something about your youngest child approaching three that feels so freeing and so delightful. Is it just me or is this a typical phenomenon?

I've carried a diaper bag for 10 years and I AM DONE. Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of parenting ahead, but an era is definitely over.

I mean look at us. There's no one back at camp with a fussy or sleepy baby. We are all enjoying the waterfalls together.

I know that there are those of you who would warn me not to be too happy, that these years fly by too quickly, but I intend to relish in the moment for now.

Next milestone - no car seats?


francie said...

I noticed that this part had no comment so I am commenting. Your family is precious to me. I am so glad that we know each of you! I am looking forward to watching the rest of your children grow out of car seats :-)

Terra@mggoslings said...

In this day and time our kids will be in carseats when they take their drivers test! Or you could just be like me and keep my almost 5 year old in a 5-point harness just because I am too lazy to teach him how to buckle himself with real seat belt.

Katherine@Raising Five said...

Yes, three is definitely the magic age. We noticed this, too, on our last vacation. It was WONDERFUL without diapers - gotta admit. This place looks so wonderful!

Julie@HighFive! said...

Yes, I remember the feeling of freedom when each of our older ones turned three. Then we had our 2 year old (I can't remember any of the others being anything like her!) and our 4 month old and I'm back to feeling like I'm in over my head. I'm trying to be optimistic but I had forgotten how very hard it is!!

Mary@notbefore7 said...

Oh, it is so good to hear that it will get easier. I love the pics that display it so wonderfully even without words! I am in the midst with child #2 (of 3) about to turn 3 this weekend. We leave for FL (to drive...ugh) in 2 weeks. I love the memories, the trip, and being with them, but I gotta tell ya - it is WORK! :)